
July 03, 2018

我們所想,所講,所做的不但天知地知,還會變成事物。愛因斯坦話「一切的事物都是能量, 配合你想要的頻率,你想要的便出現在眼前。這是唯一的途徑。這不是哲學。這是物理」。 





  • 第一脈輪,也叫海底輪 - 在脊骨尾部,是深紅色或黑色,是求生本能,幫助你札根大地,將意念落實轉化為行動 。 海底輪的堵塞可能導致缺乏求生意志及生活基本所需。  


  • 第二脈輪,也叫臍輪/生殖輪 - 在肚臍下方2寸位置, 是啡及橙色,臍輪代表性慾,生產力,創造物質財富 臍輪的堵塞可能導致創造力的障礙,財務狀況不佳或生殖健康問題。


  • 第三脈輪也叫太陽輪 - 在胃部位置, 是黃色,是展現個人力量, 安全感及生活富足 這個區域的堵塞意味著你很難面對現實或堅持自己的立場。過度活躍的太陽導致貪婪,缺乏對他人的感覺和無情。是身體平衡的關鍵位置,輪位堵塞會有消化系統問題。


  • 第四脈輪,也叫心輪 - 在胸口,兩乳之間, 是綠色和粉紅色,是學懂愛,愛自己,愛別人,愛一切能見及不能見的萬物。粉紅色是偏向愛情人緣,綠色是由愛而生的一切事物 心輪的阻塞可能導致各種心臟健康問題。情緒上它會導致人們感到冷漠,無情或退縮。


  • 第五脈輪,也叫喉輪 - 在鎖骨上顎骨下,是藍色 喉輪是最難掌握的一個脈輪,需要心輪的開放才能打通喉輪。喉輪是關於你如何能夠不驚不怖,懷著慈悲的心表達內在真我。有説服力地講出心底話。這個區域的堵塞會在身體和情感上造成各種各樣的問題。緊張的震顫,甲狀腺疾病和牙齦疾病都可能是由於無法表達自己的感覺而感到沮喪引起。


  • 第六脈輪,也叫第三眼 - 在兩眉之間, 是紫色,直覺性,靈性,心眼,創作靈感許多寶石會是幫助你打開直覺能力的指導員。這個區域的堵塞會導致生活困難。你可能會發現自己因為沒有聽到內心心聲而碰壁。這些可能會導致頭痛和眼睛疾病。


  • 第七脈輪,也叫頂輪 - 在頭頂,是白色/金色,是智慧的通道,明白真理 ,與宇宙中所有物體的潛意識聯繫,讓您感受到萬物的一切。頂輪閉塞便會導致嚴重的憂鬱和思想緩慢。

最早提及脈輪是古印出度的<吠陀經>, 也是瑜珈的出處。脈輪是神經線集中的地方,脈輪不平衡身體便生病,也會反影在日常生活的際遇中。

能量的軌跡是呈曲線,我們的意念,想法,說的話,就是能量,象回力鏢一樣,發放出去,繞一圈後回到起點。所以古老智慧説善有善報,惡有惡報,若然未報,時辰未到  」。

明白到種善因可以得善果,我們便不需要花心思不擇手段,爾虞我詐,委屈求全。  我們只要利用這個機制便可以心想事成;只係要心信不疑,專注目標,保持心態便會水到渠成。



Whatever we think or we do it becomes matter.  Albert Einstein said “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is physics.” 
We all in a big energy field,  if you look into our hair, skin and blood you can find that it is made up from the same thing, a very small particle, quark.   Each of them is vibrating and the frequency creates the aura.  We may not able to see the aura by our physical eyes ( you can see it by taking an aura photo), but you can experience it by placing your palm in front of your chest and pulling outward slowly, repeat it and you will find something there and that is the energy, we call "Qi" in Chinese.

Albert Einstein also said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”  Crystal stone formed under the ground for hundreds of years accumulated the amount of energy that beyond our imagination.  The frequency of all crystal is much higher than our own because it has no emotions and no prejudice.  Different stone brings different qualities,  different qualities reflecting a different colour.  Depending on what you want to create, certain stones hold a frequency for those circumstances or attributes like spiritual, love, wealth and security.  By placing the stone on your body, it is to align us with the frequencies of colours in the rainbow spectrum as well as the colourful energy centres of light within each one of us, that is Chakras.  

  • Root Chakra – located at the base of the spine, red colour.  It is the primitive part of you, determined to survive.  The root chakra helps connect you to the earth, grounding you in the physical body and transforming your thought into action. Blockages in this area make it difficult to manifest life’s most basic necessities.
  • Sacral Chakra – the second chakra located just below the naval two inches, is called the sacral, orange colour.  It is about creativity, productivity and the ability to manifest abundance on the physical plane.  Blockage in this area could lead to creative blocks, poor finances or health problems in the reproductive area.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – the third chakra is located at your stomach, yellow colour.  It is about your own power to stand up for yourself and how secure you feel in the world.  Blockages in this area mean you are having a hard time facing the reality or standing your ground.  The overactive solar plexus causes greed, lack of feeling for others and ruthlessness.  The key to it all is balancing.
  • Heart Chakra – the fourth chakra, the heart area, green and pink colour.  Green is the colour of life and growth whereas pink is the colour of love and express our feelings in the face of fear of rejection.  Blockages of heart chakra could cause all kinds of heart health problem.  Emotionally it can cause people to be cold, unfeeling or withdrawn.
  • Throat Chakra – the fifth chakra, the throat area, blue colour.  Each chakra centre opens as you learn the lessons of that particular area, like a ladder; the lessons get more and more difficult as you move toward the top.  Once the heart is opened up, then the lessons of the throat can begin.  This is one of most difficult to master of all.  The throat centre is all about how you express yourself to the world.  You are able to tell people with compassion and how you really feel and not be afraid to do so.  Blockages of this area can cause all kinds of problems both physically and emotionally.  Nervous tremors, thyroid conditions, and gum disease can all result from the frustration of feeling unable to express yourself.
  • Third Eye – the sixth chakra, in between two eye blow area, violet /indigo blue colour.  The third eye is the seat of your intuition. Many of the stones will help you open up to intuitive guidance.  Blockages of this area can cause life to be difficult.  You may find yourself running into walls by not listening to the tiny voice within.  These can cause headaches and strain on the physical eyes.
  • The Crown – the seventh chakra, white colour.  The seventh chakra centre is the one that will connect you with your creator and makes you feel loved and knowing of an eternal bliss to which you connected at all times.  The crown centre provides that very subconscious link to the all that is in the universe that makes you feel connected to everything.  Blockage in this area will cause severe melancholy and depression.
The origin of yoga and the earliest mention of the chakras are the ancient prints of the Vedas. The chakras are places where the nerve lines are concentrated, if the chakras are unbalanced the body becomes sick.  If the chakras are balanced with healthy vibration, you will get the reality as you want, like Albert Einstein said.