Kyanite 藍晶石
- 強大的高頻能量把藍晶石成為一個有效的放射器和放大器,是manifestation的好幫手。
- 這晶石幫助擺脫盲目的信念或頑固的業障,也能夠展現自己的行為如何創造了目前的環境,讓你透徹明白。
- 在冥想的過程促進能量提升,與光連結,跟不同空間的高能量連繫。
- 晶石亦能令你知道今世的身份以及目的。
- 協助記憶夢境及在夢中得到治療,對於過度死亡也有幫助。
- 鼓勵直言不諱,消除恐懼,障礙及無知。
- 幫助暢通身體氣脈,恢復元氣,穩定氣場;釋放憤怒沮喪和壓力。
Excellent for attainment and meditation, and powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energy. Kyanite never needs cleaning. Tuning into causal connections, this stone detaches from the idea of blind fate or implacable karma, showing how you created your present experience by past behaviour. Facilitating the ascension process. It draws the light body into the physical realm and connects the higher mind to multidimensional frequencies,. Kyanite points to your true identity and fulfilling vocation. This crystal connects to guides, instills compassion, and facilitates spiritual maturation. Assisting dream recall and promoting healing dreams. it is helpful for those making the transition through death . Kyanite clears meridians, restores Qi to the physical body and its organs, and stablilzes the biomagnetic field. Kyanite encourages speaking one through, cutting though fears, blockages , and ignorance, and opens to spiritual and psychological truth. Slicing through confusion and dispelling blockages, illusion, and anger, Kyanite release frustration and stress.
The Encyclopaedia of Crystals ~ Judy Hall