Super 7 (The Melody Stone)
Super7 / The Melody Stone 被稱為是能量最高的晶石,一個晶石裏面包含七種不同元素,所以命名為super 7,有中文翻譯為"超級7",我還是用英文名稱Super 7 / The Melody Stone 比較妥當。
每一小部份的Super 7 聯繫着整個母體的能量,重複提醒我們是整個宇宙的一部份,在我們細少我的身體裏是潛藏着宇宙無遠弗屆的力量,對於環境所做成的惶恐有保護作用,例如恐襲或種族歧視。天生尖頭的原石能量是超級利害,對 開發上三輪脈及內在潛能尤其見效。 如佩帶後感到頭痛是因為能量太大身體未能適應,將佩戴的時間逐漸增加可將問題解決。
Super 7所包含的七種物質為:
- 紫水晶 - 第六脈輪/第三眼
- 茶晶 - 第一脈輪/海底輪
- 石英 - 第七脈輪/頂輪
- 金紅髮晶 - 所有脈輪
- 針鐵礦 - 第一脈輪/海底輪
- 磷鐵礦 - 所有脈輪
- 黃磷鐵礦 - 第六脈輪/第三眼 及 第七脈輪/頂輪
Super 7, also called The Melody Stone, carrying generic properties of Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Quartz, Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite & Cacoxenite, it open metaphysical abilities, enchancing spiritual working of all kinds.
The smallest piece carries the vibration of the whole, remindings us that we too are part of the greater whole, we all carrying the power as the universe do. The natural point Super 7 is super powerful for revealing potential power, self-healing, protection, particularly useful where there is fear of terrorist activity or racial unrest.
Holding the crystal stone, following the energy go through the body and let go of all thoughts, free the body, mind and soul. Super 7 is a super powerhouse for a quick recharge.
- Amethyst - The Third Eye Chakra
- Smoky Quartz - The Root Chakra
- Quartz - The Crown Chakra
- Rutile - All Chakra
- Goethite - The Root Chakra
- Lepidocrocite - All Chakra
- Cacoxenite - The Third Eye & Crown Chakra